Can-Am Commander Scratch Resistant Flip Up Windshield by SuperATV
When it comes to choosing a new aftermarket UTV / side by side windshield for your Can-Am Commander, it’s important to give yourself options. That is exactly what this Scratch Resistant Flip Windshield by SuperATV gives you. This folding windshield folds down when you need frontal protection from the harsh elements and up when the weather is nice and you want to feel the breeze through your cab. And with its abrasion resistant polycarbonate construction, this flip folding windshield is built to last for a lifetime of use. It’s also hard coated on both sides, which is what makes it scratch resistant. Order this folding windshield for your Can-Am Commander today!
Can-Am Commander Scratch Resistant Flip Windshield Features:
- Clear Scratch Resistant Flip Windshield
- Made from 1/4" AR Abrasion Resistant Polycarbonate
- Hard Coated on Both Sides
- Contoured to Hood with Full Length Rubber Seal
- Easy to Install
- Can be used with soft of hard tops
- Made in the USA
- Can-Am Commander 800 : 2011-2020
- Can-Am Commander 1000 : 2011-2020
- Can-Am Commander 800 Max : 2016-2020
- Can-Am Commander 1000 Max : 2014-2020
- Can-Am Commander 1000R DPS : 2021+
- Can-Am Commander 1000R XT : 2021+
- Can-Am Commander 1000R XTP : 2021+
- Can-Am Commander Max 1000R DPS : 2021+
- Can-Am Commander Max 1000R XT : 2021+
SuperATV Front Scratch Resistant Flip Windshield FWS-CA-COM-001-70 Care Instructions:-
- Create a mixture of mild liquid dish soap and warm water (Recommended UTV windshield washing/cleaning solution)
- Or use Pre-made Can-Am Offroad windshield solution option: 13946
- Take your side by side windshield cleaning solution and wash the UTV window(s), interior, and exterior
- Only use a clean soft, micro-fiber cloth to wipe gently and do not scrub- apply very light pressure ***Do not use a paper towel and Windex***
- Rinse UTV windshields well and air dry
- Let dry for at 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the humidity level of your location
- Get on that machine and have an awesome time now that you can see!!!
- Stay safe while riding out there and check out Everything Can-Am Offroad for more UTV parts and accessories