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Can-Am Maverick X3

Can-Am Maverick X3

Can-Am Maverick R

Can-Am Maverick R

Can-Am Maverick

Can-Am Maverick

Can-Am Commander

Can-Am Commander

Can-Am Defender

Can-Am Defender

Blog - Maintenance And Upkeep

Alternative Storage Options for your Can-Am Defender & Maverick
Not everyone who wants to own a Can-Am has the storage space in which to do so. Whether you live in an apartment or somewhere with limited space, it isn’t always a possibility to keep your Maverick or Defender in a space near your home. This can be a big reason why many people choose not to own a UTV that might otherwise. There are several alternative storage options ava …
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Can-Am Maverick X3 Lubricants, Liquids, And Grease
Keeping your Can-Am Maverick X3 nice and lubed up is an important factor in maintaining a reliabally functional machine. Most people recognize the need to consistently grease their wheel bearings, but things like driveshafts, heim joints, and zerks also require a good amount of grease to work properly. And where lubrication is concerned, running the right oil in your mac …
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Diagnosing, Fixing, And Modifying The Electric System In A Can-Am Commander
An important, yet often underrated, part of the Can-Am Commander is its electric system. Riders often pay it no mind, that is, until it’s not working properly. While accessories like aftermarket winches, radios, and light bars get a lot of attention, little emphasis is placed on the electric system that powers all of these accessories. But regardless of whether you’re …
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